NHL Hockey team the Chicago Blackhawks, who are in the midst of a road trip and a six game winning streak, don't attribute their success from some form of deep strategy sessions or copious amounts of practice. Apparently the only secret strategy the team has involves fun and games.
[INDENT]"We have video game tournaments every night in the hotel," forward Patrick Sharp said. "That's the secret to our success." [/INDENT] Of course, video games are not the only mitigating factor in their sucess, but they are a side enmdeavor that is the result of what team members call "an uncommon kinship that pulls them together on the road and helps them thrive in hostile environments."
[INDENT]"Lots of teams say (they get along great) and don't always mean it," winger Troy Brouwer said of the closeness on the Hawks. "For us, we're always hanging out in the lounge together, we're always having fun and playing video games together and going for supper and it doesn't matter who you're with. Every night you're with a different guy and everyone just gets along and meshes really well." [/INDENT] So what is the favorite videogame to play while on the road? Mario Kart Wii, tournament style.
Source: [URL=http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-05-17/sports/ct-spt-0518-blackhawks-chicago--20100517_1_hawks-road-show-blackhawks-success-mario-kart]Chicago Tribune[/URL]