The Able Gamers Foundation passed along word this afternoon that Game Accessibility Day will take May 25, 2010 at the Hyatt Harborside in Boston Massachusetts as part of the Games For Health Event. Games Accessibility Day is produced by the Games for Health Project, with support by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Pioneer Portfolio.
Critical assistance and partnership for the day is provided by The AbleGamers Foundation and the Serious Games Initiative.
The Able Gamers Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity headquartered in the state of West Virginia that advocates for the development of games and entertainment software that are accessible to the disabled. It's a good cause worth supporting for many reasons that I shouldn't have to spell out to anyone.
Registration for the Game Accessibility Day is [URL=]open now[/URL]. You can learn more about Able Gamers by visiting [URL=][/URL].