What's in a name? Maybe it's just me but when I read the word 'Bulletstorm' I was instantly interested in knowing more about the new IP [URL=http://www.joystiq.com/2010/04/12/bulletstorm-to-induce-yells-in-2011/]announced by Epic Games and EA.[/URL]
From details revealed, the storyline sounds like it might be a little lacklustre but then again, I've never really been into playing campaigns as much as I have multiplayer's when it comes to shooters anyway. According to Ars Technica:
[INDENT] The story looks to be pretty standard fare, with players taking on the role of an elite mercenary protecting a futuristic confederation. And, it turns out (shocking, we know), you've been working for the wrong side!
[/INDENT] And from [URL=http://www.joystiq.com/2010/04/12/bulletstorm-to-induce-yells-in-2011/]JoyStiq this little tidbit of information seems promising for shooter fans:[/URL]
[INDENT] Bulletstorm features a "skillshot" system that offers rewards (in the form of points that can be redeemed for weapons) for creative kills -- a system that the announcement says "produces unprecedented levels of frantic gameplay and yell-inducing satisfaction."
[/INDENT] The idea of "being surrounded by hordes of mutants and flesh eating gangs" sounds ideal if you're the type that loves to shoot as many targets as you can and as often as you can.
With Epic Games reportedly looking at an April 2011 release date for [I]Gears of War 3[/I], next year could be looking like a very interesting one for shooter fans.
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/04/12/039bulletstorm039-sounds-yummy-fun]read more[/URL]