[B]It began with a mysterious package received by various gaming related websites such as [/B][URL=http://www.joystiq.com/2010/04/05/arg-we-cant-believe-we-wasted-time-on-that/][B]JoyStiq[/B][/URL][B] who spent some time trying to decipher the information on the USB storage device. [/B]
It seems the viral marketing promoters behind the sneaky campaign have really done their homework. Quite a [URL=http://www.movieviral.com/2010/04/05/gknova6-viral-site-for-unknown-game/]few websites[/URL] are buzzing with the news and trying desperately to unravel whatever the mysterious website represents.
The concensus seems to be that it's a viral marketing campaign for the lastest [I]Call of Duty[/I] game [I]Call of Duty 7 - Black Ops[/I]. Whatever NOVASIX relates to, I'm pretty intrigued to find out. If anyone has any ideas, do let us know in the forums!
For now, enjoy the creepy video, courtesy of YouTube. The website is [URL=http://www.gknova6.com/]here[/URL] and remember:
"Hell is Purple"...
Via [URL=http://www.movieviral.com/2010/04/05/gknova6-viral-site-for-unknown-game/]MovieViral [/URL]and [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ0jBkIhKfw&feature=player_embedded#]YouTube[/URL]