David Barnes at [URL=http://fbindie.posterous.com/zeebos-low-cost-console-opens-a-new-frontier]Facebook Indie Games[/URL] thinks Zeebo, the low-cost console targeted for gamers in developing countries, could boost development of indie games with Catholic and non-Christian cultural themes.
[INDENT]Christian games are a great niche for indie developers...[but] because the United States and other English speaking countries have traditionally been the biggest video game market, religious games tend to be Christian, protestant, and evangelical. [T]hat's going to change as video gaming becomes more global.[/INDENT] Barnes then points out the religious demographics of the countries Zeebo is targeting:
[*]Brazil — Roman Catholic (74% )
[*]Mexico — Roman Catholic (89%)
[*]India — Hindu (81%), Islam (13%)
[*]China — Buddhist, Taoist (~20%)
Interesting market observation, especially since even blockbuster games in the West largely reflect Christian culture. If Zeebo is a success, it seems developers on the platform will have a financial motivation to expand the representation of religious cultures in games.
[Image via Molleindustria's [URL=http://molleindustria.org/faith-fighter]Faith Fighter[/URL]]