[B]A electronic musician has released a new album that tells a story with videogame references. Entitled NVR-NDR, it is the brainchild of [tlr], aka Taylor Schechet, a bassist with Romak & the Space Pirates.[/B]
According to [URL=http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsound/synthful/nvr-ndr-video-game-epic/]a write-up at LA Weekly[/URL]:
[INDENT]"It's really simple," says [tlr] of the concept behind NVR-NDR. "The story of nvr-ndr is that after I die, I go to another dimension. That dimension is basically a giant hallway and at the end of that dimension is my ultimate goal. So the reality of this dimension is battling to reach the ultimate goal. There's memories of past life, but it's very disconnected, just like this reality is disconnected and it's hard to accept its absurdity. So, there are a lot of things that are really absurd like pizza that's magical armor and cupcakes that are laser cannons."
The story of NVR-NDR is influenced by games like [I]Xenogears[/I], [I]Final Fantasy VII[/I] and [I]Mega Man X[/I]. Musically, he's found inspiration in Captain Ahab, Baseck and fellow Space Pirate D. Bene Tleilax's project The Tleilaxu Music Machine.[/INDENT] According to [URL=http://www.tttlllrrr.blogspot.com/][tlr]'s blog page[/URL], he has also commissioned video game graphic artist David Pursley to do an art piece on his character. Pursley has worked on Blizzard games such as [I]Diablo[/I] and [I]StarCraft[/I].
Pizza armor and laser cannon cupcakes. You hear that, game designers? Get moving!