[IMG]http://www.theeca.com/newsletters/g4c.jpg[/IMG]As time winds down before Australia's March 20th elections, [URL=http://gamers4croydon.org]Gamers4Croydon[/URL] continues to up its presence.
The group issued a call to arms announcement via [URL=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamers4croydon/announcements/detail/90243652224915892]its Steam Community presence[/URL], in which it outlines its policies, candidates and how to vote for the group’s candidates. G4C urged people to forward the posting to as many of their friends and acquaintances as possible.
A section from the communiqué:
It's time to engage in the political process and send a strong message about the type of politician you want to see in parliament. It's time to hold government accountable. It's time to change the face of Australian gaming by changing the face of Australian politics.
[URL=http://www.gamepolitics.com/2010/03/15/g4c-constitution-hinges-around-%E2%80%9Cdon%E2%80%99t-be-dick%E2%80%9D]read more[/URL]