[IMG]http://www.theeca.com/newsletters/vir_army.jpg[/IMG]The U.S. Military, already a big practitioner of videogame-based training for its members, plans to spend even more on the technology in the future.
In a bid to cut battlefield casualties the Pentagon has approved an “unspecified” amount of funding towards research on how to further take advantage of the latest videogame technology [URL=http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100310/pl_afp/usmilitarygametechnology_20100310201115]reports AFP[/URL].
General James Mattis, Commander, U.S. Joint Forces Command, said the initiative would put soldiers through, “as many tactical and ethical challenges as we can before they go into their first firefight.”
He continued, “…I'm convinced, both ethically and casualties-wise, we can reduce the missteps that we are taking on the battlefield, and reduce them significantly.”
[URL=http://www.gamepolitics.com/2010/03/15/us-military-eying-larger-role-games-troop-training]read more[/URL]