[IMG]http://forums.theeca.com/ http://www.theeca.com/newsletters/My_Farmville___Sonic.jpg[/IMG]Research released by [URL=http://www.offerpalmedia.com]Offerpal Media[/URL] offers some insight into why so many social gamers are willing to complete marketing actions in order to obtain virtual currency.
The comScore-conducted study among 799 panelists reported that 53.3 percent of respondents would be “very likely” to take part in a marketing action in order to receive social game points or currency, while only 22.8 percent would be willing (and able) to pony up cold hard cash for the same rewards.
[URL=http://www.gamepolitics.com/2010/03/12/why-people-do-what-they-do-earn-social-game-points]read more[/URL]