Chip-maker [URL=]AMD[/URL], through its [URL=,,3715_14217_15653,00.html]AMD Foundation[/URL], and in conjunction with the [URL=,,3715_14217_15653_15654,00.html]AMD Changing the Game[/URL] program, has provided a $65,000 grant to the [URL=]Alliance for Young Artists & Writers[/URL].
The funds will be used to back the Alliance’s videogame design category in its 2010 and 2011 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. The awards cap a yearly competition among U.S. students in grades seven through twelve that is designed to spur “teenagers’ intellectual creativity, innovation and artistic talent.”
The Alliance expects 700 student submissions in 2011’s videogame awards category. Additionally, AMD’s funds will assist in putting on game design workshops and supporting summer program scholarships.
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