I just received this email in my inbox from Blizzard and figured it was very much a blog-worthy topic. If you're a fan of [I]World of Warcraft[/I], you might already know about the mosaic project to create a [I]World of Warcraft[/I] 'Battlecry' Mosaic from pictures submitted by 20,000 WoW players worldwide. Now that's definitely an epic undertaking!
You can view the full (very LARGE) mosaic [URL=http://eu.media.blizzard.com//wow/anniversary/_images/ilovesc/wallpapers/source-mosaic-14400x6150.jpg]here [/URL]and details of the project [URL=http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wowanniversary/battlecry/]here[/URL].
Image via [URL=http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wowanniversary/battlecry/]Blizzard[/URL]