A UK psychologist has blamed videogames, among other media, for the sexualization of young girls.
Dr. Linda Papadopoulos (pictured), a clinical psychologist at London Metropolitan University, who has also appeared on TV shows such as Big Brother and the Celebrity Fit Club, called out games that contain high sexual content as “hypersexualising girls, telling them that their desirability relies on being desired.”
In a story in [URL=http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23807911-media-pressure-makes-schoolgirls-behave-as-sex-objects-to-lure-boys.do]the London Evening Standard[/URL] she specifically called out the browser-based game [URL=http://www.missbimbo.com/]Miss Bimbo[/URL] as an offender. The game entices girls to “Become the hottest, coolest most intelligent and talented bimbo the world has ever known!”
Papadopoulos’ comments were taken from an upcoming government inquiry into the subject, which will be published shortly. In her report, Papadopoulosis is expected to call for a labeling system to be slapped on airbrushed images used in media and an age limit for the some of the more racy men's magazines.
[I]|Via [/I][URL="http:// http://www.mcvuk.com/news/37660/Games-turn-kids-into-sex-objects"][I]MCVUK[/I][/URL][I]|[/I]