The partnering of [URL=]advocacy group Grow Up Australia and retailer EB Games[/URL] has resulted in strong backing for the addition of an R18+ rating category for videogames in Australia.
[URL=]GameSpot reports[/URL] that the pair’s initiative has resulted in 16,055 signatures on [URL=]their pro R18+ petition[/URL], which will now be sent to the Attorney General’s department. EB Games had called attention to the movement via in-store signage and with links and images on its website.
South Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson, often identified as the lone holdout against adding an R18+ category for games among Australian Attorney Generals, has said repeatedly that the R18+ issue is one that only gamers care about.
Public responses to the Discussion Paper are due by February 28. Following the submission period, [URL=]responses will be compiled[/URL] into a report for Minister of Home Affairs Brendan O’Connor and other state and territory Attorney Generals.
[I]Thanks Ryan and Magic![/I]