The [URL=]Singapore-MIT Game Lab[/URL] has planned a benefit for Haiti earthquake victims that involves epic lengths of game play.
The [URL="http://"]Complete Game Completion Marathon 2010[/URL] will see a group of teams attempt to complete a wide variety of games. The event takes place this weekend, February 26-28 in the Gambit Game Lab on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts and will be broadcast live on Ustream.
Donations are being accepted via the Complete Game Completion Marathon 2010 website and will benefit [URL=]Partners in Health[/URL], a group that brings modern medical care to poor communities and which has been active in Haiti for over 20 years.
A full list of teams, with the games they will play and the estimated time of completion, follows:
[*][COLOR=#000000]The Stickhandlers—NHL 10 full season—25 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Fire Hose for Haiti—Final Fantasy, Mega Man 9 and Mario Kart—35 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Being Bad for Good—Mass Effect 1 and 2—25 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]A Song for the World—Hatsune Miku: Project Diva—30 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]The Panzerfaustian Bargain—Left 4 Dead—8 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Team Funwolf—Shadow of the Colossus—8 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Team Funwolf: Lonewolf—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time—15 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Clara Fernandez Vara—The Curse of Monkey Island—15 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Team Medkit—Doom 1 and 2—15 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Team Friendless—Phantom Hourglass—18 hours[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#000000]Consoles Are So Last Millennium—every game on Marleigh Norton’s iPhone—13.5 hours[/COLOR]
The Singapore-MIT Game Lab is a partnership between MIT and the government of Singapore designed to explore new directions in the development of videogames.