[IMG]http://www.theeca.com/newsletters/jacehall.jpg[/IMG]Jason/Jace Hall has had a long and varied career centered in interactive entertainment, but he’s found yet another new career to try out—recording star.
Hall is putting out an EP entitled Video Games Aren’t Bad For Ya, which as you might imagine, will attempt to put games in a positive light. The EP’s first single is called I Play W.O.W., an unapologetic ode to playing the massively multiplayer online game.
Hall's take on game critics:
[INDENT]When you are told that you are being lazy, or wasting your time, or being anti social – when in fact you have just spent 22 hours working VERY hard with a GROUP of people accomplishing extremely difficult tasks – you want to tell the uninformed person accosting you to F** OFF!
[/INDENT]While the song has a certain Weird Al quality to it, it’s all in fun, and Hall is a giant of a man, so we’ll reserve any further judgment. Just go listen to/download a clean version [URL=http://electronictheatre.co.uk/index.php/articles/4150-jace-hall-asks-videogame-haters-to-kiss-my-ass-with-new-single]of the song here[/URL]. Clean and explicit versions are [URL=http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-play-w-o-w-feat-benny-cassette/id352833310]available on iTunes[/URL] for 99 cents each.
Hall was a co-founder and CEO of Monolith Productions before moving on to become Senior Vice President of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Now he is an Executive Producer of the ABC television show V: The Series and star of the [URL=http://www.jacehallshow.com/]Jace Hall Show[/URL].