[B]Keeping in line with the "Games as Art" topic here at GC, we [/B][URL=http://gameculture.com/2010/02/11/edible-video-game-art][B]recently posted[/B][/URL][B] about the 'Pac Man' cake from [/B][URL=http://www.jetcitycakes.com][B]Jet City Cakes[/B][/URL][B] and decided we had to know more. GameCulture spoke with Paul, the 'Evil Genius' behind the Pac Man cake and discovered that the "cake is not a lie"...[/B]
[B]GC:[/B] How long have you been in the business of customizing your cake creations and how did you get started?
[B]JCC:[/B] I have always loved to cook and I have always loved to build stuff. So when I saw Duff Goldman on a Food Network Challenge building crazy cakes with a blowtorch I immediately thought "that looks like a blast!". At the time I was living in Washington D.C. and since Duff was in Baltimore I thought I would shoot him an email and see if I could come up and play. He wrote me back saying, "Paul. you are a f**king freak." and invited me up to intern with him. Shortly after that he got his show on Food Network. I am not claiming those events are related, but you can draw your own conclusions. That was in January of 2006, so I guess I have been at this for about four years. I moved back to Seattle in June of 2007 to start Jet City Cakes so I have been running my own freak show for almost 3 years now.
[B]GC:[/B] You specialize in making “wild cakes for weird times”. What’s the weirdest cake request you’ve ever had to make for a customer?
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/02/18/interview-jet-city-cakes-cake-and-video-games]read more[/URL]