A Kotaku reader in Long Beach, California [URL=http://kotaku.com/5474457/naughty-dog-helping-naughty-dogs]happened by his local animal shelter[/URL] and noticed that a section of it was sponsored by a videogame developer.
Uncharted, Jax & Daxter and Crash Bandicoot developer [URL=http://www.naughtydog.com]Naughty Dog[/URL] apparently donated funds for the upkeep of one kennel in the facility. We agree with the Kotaku author’s take on the lack of pomp and circumstance surrounding the do-gooding:
[INDENT]Know what I like most about this? This is the first I've heard of it. There wasn't a press release issued with pictures of it being built, or a Spike TV segment showing some guy dressed up as Nathan Drake cuddling lost dogs. It's just...something that's been done.
[/INDENT]A picture of the Kennel accompanies the Kotaku post.
Good Naughty Dog.