[B]There are a lot of problems in the world at any given time. Poverty, famine, war, and natural disasters are in the news on a regular basis. Most recently, the earthquake in Haiti has everyone clamoring to help, including the gaming community.[/B]
Cahnge.org has posted [URL=http://socialentrepreneurship.change.org/blog/view/using_video_games_to_change_the_world]an interesting article[/URL] looking at designer Jane McGonigal of Avant Game (who was speaking at this year's [URL=http://www.ted.com/pages/view/id/5]TED Conference[/URL]) and her "mission in life" of creating games that manufacture real-life conditions. She feels that gamer have a chance to radically change the world in which we live:
[INDENT]Think about it. When a gamer joins a site, they're immediately get a mission to complete. That mission is matched with their particular skills, which pushes them to achieve. They have hundreds of potential collaborators around with whom they can team up to better accomplish those missions. There's a constant feedback loop that's adding information about what the player can accomplish, and what type of missions they should be working on.
And, importantly, when gamers game, they experience a level of 'blissful productivity.' In other words, they're more satisfied and happy when they're working hard. That feeling helps establish a social fabric. Gamers who have played together establish layers of trust, even when they've lost. Most of all, they have a story connect to, a mission.[/INDENT]The article also mentions Zynga's efforts for Haiti, raising $1.5 million in virtual good sales in only five days.
It's a thought worth pondering. The power of the gamer ... I like it.
(Image of McGonigal courtesy of the [URL=http://www.futureofmuseums.org/events/lecture/mcgonigal.cfm]Future of Museums website[/URL])