A recently released iPhone/iPod Touch game pins the U.S. recession on the collapse of a bank that was infiltrated by giant maggots from outer space.
The Bank, from [URL=http://www.primusproductions.com/]Primus Productions[/URL], drops players into the game after the collapse of the one bank that started the whole economic downturn (Sun Valley Bank in Bells, Montana) and allows them to mow down said maggots while piloting a flying car named “Sally” that is outfitted with a variety of weapons.
A self-described $18.00 marketing budget resulted in the embedded video at left and [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpHWfVZ0zgU]a second[/URL] that can be viewed at YouTube.
A video featuring game play footage [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gix6_JO2uVs]can be seen here[/URL].
The Bank is available for $2.99 [URL=http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-bank/id348427622?mt=8]from the iTunes Store[/URL] and is rated 12+.