A grant from the [URL=http://www.theesa.com/foundation/]Entertainment Software Association Foundation[/URL] has enabled North Carolina’s Cumberland County to enable a free tip line for students to anonymously report on pending crimes in their schools.
The Speak Up Cumberland County lets students, or parents, text or call 1-866-SPEAKUP in order to bring suspicious activities or those plotting crimes to light. While the ESA Foundation’s grant was locked in a while ago, the recent occurrence of a seven-year old bringing a gun to school in the region accented the need for such a plan.
State Representative Rick Glazier talked to [URL=http://www.fayobserver.com/Articles/2010/01/30/972279]the FayObserver[/URL] about the importance of the program:
[INDENT]The biggest threat to schools isn't from someone coming from outside in. It's from someone boiling over inside.
[/INDENT]The ESA Foundation’s contribution to the program was pegged at $200,000 over two years by the article. The funds will be used by the Speak Up’s creator, [URL=http://www.paxusa.org]PAX[/URL], to promote the program in local media and to print materials and education kits. The ESA Foundation also supported the Speak Up program in 2006 and 2007.