Try your hand at being the Federal Reserve Chairman in a new iPhone/iPod Touch game featuring Pac-Man-style game play.
Developed by [URL=]Marroni Electronic Entertainment[/URL] and [URL=]NightIrion[/URL], iBailout! decrees that “it’s time for you to get yours,” and has players racing around the screen in a bid to gobble up as many stacks of dirty, dirty bailout cash as possible. Instead of being chased by ghosts however, players will have to outmaneuver angry mobs of torch and pitchfork-bearing United States citizens.
Running over machine guns will also give players the ability to declare martial law and will render taxpayers harmless and able to be gobbled up. Scores are also tabulated in the trillions, because that’s how the Fed rolls.
Available for $1.99 [URL=]in the iTunes store[/URL], iBailout! was also chosen as an entrant in the [URL=]2010 Independent Games Festival Mobile Competition[/URL].