Greetings everyone.
I actually pre-ordered Dragon Age Origins at EB and I still haven't gone over there to pick it up after reading Game Informer's review on it for consoles. I mean, it got a 9 out of 10 for PC, and an 8 out of 10 for consoles? Damn, that's an entire category jump from really good to just plain average. I'm a loyal fan of Bioware since Baldur's Gate. I really enjoy their style of creating games and Mass Effect became one of my all time favorites, so I ask, should I really consider the game's score given by Game Informer, or should I just consider my love for this type of game and the company who created it?
I need help in making this decision since, according to Game Informer, the game lost some of it's strategic elements to procure a more action-oriented style of gameplay. I loved Baldur's Gate 1, 2, their expansions and Icewind Dale 1, 2, and their expansions, not to mention KOTOR, due to their strategic elements. Sure, they've got action, but without the strategy it becomes nothing more than a mindless hack and slasher. Any thoughts?