Christian gaming
Ok so what is “Christian gaming” I would think it is things done in a pious light trying not to offend Christian sensibilities, well that begs the question what are “Christian sensibilities” well from my meager understanding its following a certain set of rules most of Christianity can agree on even if some could perceive not wanting to know what harsh reality is could be called childish at best.However wanting to see one’s own vales in entertainment without the failing of humans being so apparent is not necessarily a bad thing, so I will start firing off a few lines of thought over a few game centric issues.
FYI No disrespect meant but is it not one of the trails of the pious to live in the world of the sinner and not be corrupted by it, in other words brush the harsh realities of life off and find god in everything you can?
Then again I can sympathize with them not wanting shallow tween stories, gore and tits in every Gdamn thing….
I am not so childish to believe violence is a end all issue, however when handling fiction you need to know what you are doing and where you are going, sometimes…most of the time violence and sexuality is used as a wheel chair with lil else holding up the corpse of the story/setting.
This I think is where most of the trouble is how can you take a flawed human put him through his trails and not make him less than pure, I really think it’s how one weaves a story to show the humanity and the flaws of the world and its characters and perhaps even the church and still have god embrace them all to have justice done by stories end.
Something Xlorep DarkHelm got my bwains thinking on the mainstie, if one is to make a realistic setting how does one translate miracles in a way the player has little control over, scripted events like in call of cuthullu could be a clue here you setup the script to cue on certain events be it fighting a lot of targets or beaten to a pulp, or fighting something you cannot slay like a lion but perhaps with god’s help you can stare the beast down.
I am at a loss on all the miracles and such so it’s hard for me to fire off X and Y’s over gameplay.
Also I have had a idea for a stamina gauge, is liked to pray it acts like a spiritual armor and ability booster, perhaps pray and blocking damage may boost it, to use it as strictly something to aid the character when he/she is low on health or something, I dunno, give me ideas :P
BTW I shall smite the snickering dullards who try and poke fun at Christianity in this thread, do try and stay on topic people :P