On August 9th, the [URL=http://www.ovge.com/index.html]Oklahoma Video game Exhibition[/URL] will be running. It is a multi state event with retailers and other video game related businesses showing off wares.
This event according to the [URL=http://www.ovge.com/ovge08_pr.htm]press release[/URL] will feature businesses from the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas.
As the President of the Oklahoma City Chapter of the ECA and only Chapter in this four state area, I am placing a call to all members of the ECA in these four states to help have a presence at this event. This will expose the ECA and its purpose to the fine people attending the event. The main goal of this event would be recruitment efforts.
I am also seeking to set up an ECA booth at the event and am looking for local member support and donations to cover [URL=http://www.ovge.com/details.html]operating costs[/URL] of the event. I need at least $30 dollars for the table and then costs to cover signs and fliers.
If you would like to get involved in this effort, please PM me or email me at [email]ezknight.okceca@gmail.com[/email].
Thank you for your support of the ECA.