Wii Fit is now on the list of video games to condemn according "nanny-state experts" in the UK and some obesity experts that bashed Nintendo after its Wii Fit game told a 10-year-old girl she was fat. To make things more interesting, the girl is not really that fat (4'9" and six stone is borderline underweight at a BMI of 18.2)
[url=http://nexus404.com/Blog/2008/05/19/wii-fit-dares-to-call-young-girl-as-fat-experts-call-for-parental-warning-and-even-a-ban/]Link to a blog that refers the article[/url]
[url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-566754/Obesity-experts-condemn-Nintendos-Wii-Fit-game-tells-10-year-old-girl-shes-fat.html]The article itself, which comes from -drum roll- The Daily Mail!![/url]
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