Hello. I have been visiting gamepolitics.com for about a month now, usually only as often as I see a link to one of the articles. This past week I have been here more often and have bookmarked the website. Today I found the Legislation Tracker and was disappointed in discovering the fact that the location markers for "current" and "in effect" are a similar hue of green and red, which I have great difficulty in distinguishing. I have a form of color blindness called Deuteranomaly (yay, wikipedia :)), which makes it hard or impossible for me to differentiate between certain greens, reds, and yellows, and despite what wikipedia says also blues and purples. The form I have is moderate to severe, which allows for me to at times distinguish certain hues and colors, but only after staring at said colors for several minutes, even then I have to concentrate once again if I turn my attention elsewhere only to return.
This genetic disorder isn't super rare, but somewhat uncommon in males. I think it would be advantageous for this website, if possible, to change the color scheme for the legislation tracker, to better assist myself and others.