Ok need alittle help finding a capacitor for this project
heres where I am gettign my info
5V 1A voltage regulator found
[URL=http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062599&cp=&sr=1&origkw=5V+REGULATOR&kw=5v+regulator&parentPage=search]5 volt regulator[/URL]
However I cant find a 220 uF Capacitor,Rapeoi shack has some Capacitors but I am unsure what would do the job.
Ung I need to tag electronics for dummies to enforce my mis knowledge of things :P
I found some 220 UF 16V capacitors on soemthign I killed for parts,so thos should do since I am not going over 5V shouldn't they?
all I need now is a 5V regulator...mmm and some more intercom wire >>