I got ti for 6 and tossed it in and started to aply it so far I am amazed it has AHELL of allot more work put into it that UT0X.
Controls sadly they felt that button mapping is a bad thing on the up side they understand the needs of a south paw "alitle" when you,jump it bounded to A and the L3 so even in southpaw mode I can jump.
Auto aim can be removed so I can have full control over the aim and the aim system is alot smoother than halo.
Melee weapons are by race (at least so far) you go into a 3rd person mode to use melee weapons ALLOT like Jedi Knight
they have done some changes to some weapons
Melle from swords to staffs to fists and wrist blades depending on who you chose you get a assortment of abilties.
(now that I think if this had a character builder soemthign like COH/COV and gave you the ability to make a a character the way you want it in Enforcer/blaster alt fire,Melee alt fire,melee weapon and such this or UT[B]3[/B] could be a hellishly evilly fun game)
Dual Enforcers:normal mode is a slow fire alt mode is by race/character
from a draining holding blast to a freezing blast and others its tied to adrenalin
Bio rifle has jiggly bouncey goo,alt fire is no longer cluster
Stinger is a minigun with slow TRACKING energy projectiles
Shock rifle like the ADSM but fires electric balls instead
Sniper rifle:normal slow blullet sniper rifle
Rocket launcher:standard UT0X 3 fire
Grenade luncher:grenade/mine
Rip jack(Razor jack): is back,slicing heads better than ever,alt fire is a kind a generic exploding blade!
I am impress with this even tho what I have played(instant action CTF) sets you to 3 weapons and have mixed what ammo can work in what,even the grenade and biorifle are the "same" weapon use the same model only changes out the color.
Need to play it lots more to flesh out the weapon balances and such but I am amazed its better than 03 0-0