The JFK Assassination game really created a stir a few years back. I have to confess not ever playing it. However, its undeniable that some controversial games are made in simple bad taste. I think the "Super Columbine..." game was probably in bad taste, but again, I didn't play it. Both were outside the ESRB rating system and actually very small projects.
I really think the programmers knew they were in bad taste, whether they were good or not. When the Columbine game was removed from the best Mod nomination, I fully support that decision (even though I have no say in the matter). Yes, it's a shame they were pressured into removing it, but aren't awards, in theory, about excellence?
Lacking common good taste is part-and-parcel of excellence. It makes sense to filter your choices like this. Plus, self-censorship is not unconstitutional, it's a choice.
Speaking of choice, did I run around trying to impart my will on people wishing to play these games? No. If someone asked, I just said I vote with my mouse and choose not to play it. Ironically, if the government banned it, I'd be even more intrigued as to WHY it was in bad taste.
This thread should be used to discuss any games that are in bad taste, and all those varied opinions (like mine) in relation to them.