After dawn usealy stays out of politics sicne the horde of young members they have argue mindlessly and not "discus" but tis nice to see them post soemthign on this :3
everyone needs to know so they can decide if they need to sign up or not.
I would sign up but 100$ dailup has me broke LOL
my post
this war on games is stupid wasting huge amount of tax payer money to find out the same 3 bills they have passed 10 times are unconstitutional...its time we fought back against the horde of mindless politicians and preachers that are unhappy that their sheeple can think for them selfs..
I am so disgusted with US politics Rep,Dem,Ind are all off my list ,reps are to busy gathering money for them selfs and using god to keep the populace in place,dems are mindless elitists that know nothing of the real world,and indies are wolfs in sheep's clothing.....its time we get a 3rd party going to hopefully fix the 2 hydra system....picking the lesser of evils will always bring you back to picking a lesser evil,damn the 2 party system its been corrupted throughly.